SKU: 718117089299
Este producto está AgotadoADVANCED FULL BODY DETOX
Toxinas pueden crecer en el cuerpo como resultado de muchos factores. Inclusive, actividades saludables como lo son hacer ejercicios y seguir una dieta pueden llevarlo a acumulación de toxinas, a medida que van creando su propio conjunto de necesidades. En el proceso de alcanzar esas necesidades, tal como radicales libres, metales pesados o sintéticos pueden acumularse.
Mientras que el cuerpo humano no tiene la capacidad de mantenerse regulado y remover estas sustancias, no significa que no pueda usar una pequeña ayuda. DETOX Revolution es una matrix de limpieza de cuerpo complete diseñado para ser un policía perfecto para tu cuerpo y así darle la vuelta a esos irritantes que no deberían estar allí, y sacarlos.
Nutrition and exercise are frequently, if not always, observed as the most important factors in health. When it comes to nutrition, however, all of the focus is put on what food goes in, and forgotten are what happens while it s in there and how it might escape. Similarly, it is easily forgotten that exercise is the most potent stimulator of free radical generation due to the well-known health benefits. The good news is that these issues can be easily corrected. Help your body out by facilitating the neutralization of these harmful factors with DETOX Revolution.
Calcium D Glucarate:
Glucaric acid, supplemented via its calcium salt (Calcium-D-Glucarate), is thought to be a chemoprotective and anti-toxin compound
Calcium D Glucarate has been found to repress the effects of beta-glucuronidases, which slows your bodys ability to eliminate harmful hormones and chemicals.
By doing this, Calcium D Glucarate speeds up the bodys ability to help excrete and eliminate dietary and environmental wastes.
Psyillium Husk:
Psyllium is a fiber derived from the plant Plantago psylliumthat that is able to bind to fatty acids and cholesterol from the diet.
Relative to other sources of dietary fiber, psyllium appears to be more effective at forming feces and appears to be one of the few fiber sources not associated with excessive flatulence.
Psyllium also appears to be able to reduce total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol in persons with high cholesterol.
Steven et al. (1988) found that relative to placebo, psyllium husk was associated with an increase in transit time as well as parameters of fecal weight.
Cascara Sagrada:
Cascara Sagrada works as a impressive laxative by triggering contractions in the colon.
It also is believed to improve the muscle tone and effectiveness of the colon walls.
Studies have shown that the extract from cascara bark also contains a substance called emodin, which may have anti-cancer effects. Emodin is also responsible for some of the laxative effect, due to its excitation of smooth muscle cells in the large intestine.
Celery Seed Extract:
Celery seed oil is a supplement containing a high amount of volatile compounds known as phthalides. These compounds as well as the major component Sedanolide appear to have general antioxidative properties and have traditionally been used as a diuretic.
Celery seed extract may helps improve overall wellness, joint support, and digestive health.
Red Clover Extract:
Red Clover is an herb that is high in isoflavones and is used for its beneficial effects on HDL cholesterol and improving blood flow. It may also assist with weight loss.
Red clover also works as a powerful antioxidant to help rid the body of free radicals and waste.
Bligh et al. (2001) discovered 46 women who supplemented with Red Clover over a 6 month period improved HDL cholesterol levels by 15.7-28.6%
Dandelion Root:
Taraxacum officinale, also known as dandelion, is a vegetable that has a diuretic (water loss) effect when ingested.
It is also a source of potassium and thereby helps replace diuresis-induced losses.
Dandelion may help ease digestion by increasing the rate at which food leaves the stomach and enters the small intestine.
A study conducted by Clare et al. (2009) found dandelion three times a day in otherwise healthy subjects reported an increase in urination frequency relative to the same subjects the day before and after supplementation.
Bupleurum Root:
Bupleurum root contains several active compounds, including sterols, saponins, and saikosaponins. Saponins and saikosaponins have an antioxidant action that helps to support the immune system, reduce redness and swelling, and stimulate the liver.
Bupleurum also contains a compound called rutin, which helps strengthen capillaries.
Triphala is a combination of three botanicals Amla, Behada, and Harada.
Triphala is commonly known for its digestive benefits, particularly its ability to help cleanse the body.
Triphala may help to cleanse toxins from the body, boost immunity and ease overall inflammation.
Slippery Elm Bark:
Slippery Elm is a tree native to North America and it is the inner bark that has the medicinal value. It contains mucilage, complex carbohydrates, tannins, and many other beneficial compounds. The tannins help to tighten and constrict tissue. Slippery Elm is also a demulcent, meaning that it is soothing, softening, buffering, and has poison-drawing qualities.
It helps to neutralize stomach acids, boost the adrenal glands, and draw out impurities.
Ginger Root:
Ginger is a spice that can reduce nausea and ease digestion quite effectively. It is commonly used to treat a myriad of stomach problems. It helps to reduce everything from heartburn to gas and diarrhea. A meta-analysis conducted by Ernst et al. (2000) found ginger was able to reduce nausea induced by seasickness, morning sickness, and chemotherapy induced sickeness.
N-Acetyl-Cysteine is an acetylated form of L-Cysteine that is more bioavailable. It is often used for its high antioxidant content to reduce inflammation and counter oxidative stress.
It also works to bind various free radicals and poisons in the body so they can be removed through the digestive process and expelled.
Cape Aloe Leaf :
Cape Aloe works as a side-effect free herb to help relieve gastroesophageal reflux disorder (allowing stomach acid to flow into the esophagus aka heartburn) and constipation.
It also works as a natural laxative by decreasing the amount of time it takes for waste to move through your colon.
Alpha Lipoic Acid:
Alpha-Lipoic Acid (ALA) is a mitochondrial fatty acid that is highly involved in energy metabolism. It is synthesized in the body and can be consumed through eating meats and minimally in some fruits/vegetables.
In supplement form, ALA has shown benefit against various forms of oxidation and inflammation. These effects carry on to benefits that protect one from heart diseases, liver diseases, diabetes, and neurological decline with age.
ALA is also a potent anti-oxidant compound. It works with mitochondria and the bodys natural anti-oxidant defenses.
It is also seen as an anti-aging compound since it can reverse some of the oxidant damage related effects of aging.
Spirulina is blue-green algae that has been shown to help in weight loss and reduce inflammation in the body.
Evidence also suggests that spirulina can improve lipid and glucose metabolism, while also reducing liver fat and protecting the heart.
Kalafati et al. (2010) found subjects who supplemented with spirulina for 4 weeks were able to prolong time to exhaustion in a 2 hour run secondary to increased fat oxidation, and also suppressed parameters of oxidation.
Wheat Grass:
Wheat grass is a superfood that contains over 70 minerals and vitamins, hundreds of live enzymes, essential amino acids and antioxidants which improve digestion and fight free radical damage.
Wheat grass has the ability to help aid the body by removing various deposits of drugs, heavy metals and toxins from the liver and blood.
Lactobacillus Acidophilus:
Lactobacillus Acidophilus is a healthy intestinal bacterias used to improve digestion, restore good bacteria in the gut, and help treat certain bowel diseases. It has been used to prevent diarrhea, treat indigestion, and other digestive issues.
P: Cual es la mejor manera de tomar Detox Revolution?
R: Tome una servida (3 Capsulas) en la noche antes de acostarse. Para usuarios avanzados, tome una servida adicional (3 Capsulas) en la mañana.
P: Existe algun tipo de dieta que deba seguir mientras que esté usando Detox?
R: Mientras esté usando Detox le recomendamos como consejo general que se mantenga en una alimentación limpia, comida no procesada y tomar mucha agua. Le sugerimos consultar con un profesional de la nutrición.
P: Que otros productos recomiendan tomar junto con Detox Revolution?
R: Para resultados optimos puede tomar Detox Revolution con alguna de nuestras opviones de quemador de grasa.
TAGS: MUSCLESPORT,DETOX,fatburner,quemador